Work Party (Mt Franklin)
LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE For more details on how to book refer the latest edition of Skimail. Note that dates are always subject to change.
LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE For more details on how to book refer the latest edition of Skimail. Note that dates are always subject to change.
Booking cut-off date for Tier 2 Bookings. Members and an equal number of guests. Other persons on the waiting list. Persons on the Associated Ex-Member list. At Tier 2 Cut-off date, all bookings that meet Tier 2 criteria as set-out above are considered. If necessary, a ballot is held to determine priority for any over-subscribed periods. All successful Tier 2 bookings are expected to be confirmed within 14days of the Tier 2 Cut-off date. Any bookings received after the Tier 2 Cut-off date, that meet the Tier 2 criteria, will be considered in order of receipt and will be considered/confirmed as soon as possible after receipt, but after Tier 2 bookings received prior to the Tier 2 Cut-off date.
LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE For more details on how to book refer the latest edition of Skimail. Note that dates are always subject to change.