New member information

Why Join CAC?

Membership gives you priority access to our two lodges, member-only tariffs, invitations to social activities, and the opportunity to represent the club in various snowsports events.

How to Join



Ask two members to act as your sponsors.


Waiting List

Submit the application form to join the waiting list and pay the application fee.


Acquire Membership Points

Earn the points required for membership by participating in club activities and work parties.


Provisional Membership

Experience club life while both you and the Club decide if full membership is for you. An instalment is payable.


Full Membership

After 6-12 months you can proceed to full membership. The final instalment is payable.

Membership Fees

Entrance Fees: the total Entrance Fee is paid in instalments, as each membership level is achieved.


$1,368/Total Entrance Fee payable
  • Instalment at nomination = $456
  • Instalment on becoming Junior Waiter Stage 2 = $456
  • Balance on becoming full member = $456
Member Subscription (2024)
Full = $170
Waiting List /Junior Waiter Stage 2 = $85
Capital Contribution = $0
Member Subscription (2024)
Full/Provisional Member = $170
Waiting List = $85
Capital Contribution = $0
Member Subscription (2024)
Full/Provisional Member = $170
Waiting List = $170
Capital Contribution = $255

These values are current as of 1 October 2023. All fees and charges are reviewed from time to time. Please check the latest edition of the Bylaws for the current values.

Membership FAQ

How much does membership cost?

Please see Membership fees above for details.

Who is eligible to join?

Any person aged 25 years or over can apply for Ordinary Membership. Youth Membership is available for those aged 18-24, and Junior Membership is for those aged 5-17.

Are there member limits?

The club’s Constitution allows up to 600 members in total.

In addition, only one-third of members can be located outside of the Canberra region (more than 160km from the Canberra GPO).

When the limits are reached, an applicant may be admitted to the Waiting List but may not be offered membership until there is a vacancy (even if all other eligibility requirements have been met).

Please note: the Club is currently at the limit of 600 members, with a significant waiting list, and one-third of members are outside the Canberra region.  There may be a significant wait to become a member.

Can I book accommodation when I am on the waitlist or as a provisional member?

Yes. When you are on the waitlist, you can book accommodation at guest prices, subject to conditions in the club By-laws. Once you are a provisional member, you can book accommodation at member prices.

How does the membership points system work?

To join as an Ordinary or Youth member, you need 12 points (six points for Junior members). You must attend at least two work parties (juniors attend one), at which you can also earn membership points.

The points system ensures that people on the Waiting List become involved in club activities and meet a broad spectrum of members, serving as a guide for the committee in progressing applications.

How do I earn points?

Attendance at a scheduled work party
1 point
Genuine contribution to a work party
1 point per 1/2 day
Attendance at an emergency work party
2 points per 1/2 day
Assistance with Club work (e.g., purchasing supplies, clerical work, washing, repairs)
1 point per 1/2 day in Canberra
2 points per 1/2 day at a lodge
Assistance in running a Club event (e.g. Junior events, social events, races)
1 point per day for attendance, plus 1 point per 1/2 day for help
Representing the Club in a ski event (if invited)
1 point per day for attendance, plus 1 point per 1/2 day for participation
Participation in a Club event (e.g. social events, general meetings, ski events, bushwalks)
1 point per day
Providing an item for Frozen Acres
1 point per article
Staying at either lodge
1/2 a point per night

If either of your sponsors accompany you at social events or work parties, bonus points will be awarded.