Tier 2 Cut-off for Peak 2025 bookings

Booking cut-off date for Tier 2 Bookings. Members and an equal number of guests. Other persons on the waiting list. Persons on the Associated Ex-Member list. At Tier 2 Cut-off date, all bookings that meet Tier 2 criteria as set-out above are considered. If necessary, a ballot is held to determine priority for any over-subscribed periods. All successful Tier 2 bookings are expected to be confirmed within 14days of the Tier 2 Cut-off date. Any bookings received after the Tier 2 Cut-off date, that meet the Tier 2 criteria, will be considered in order of receipt and will be considered/confirmed as soon as possible after receipt, but after Tier 2 bookings received prior to the Tier 2 Cut-off date.